"To speak ill of that person [who embraces the supreme Law] is to speak ill of the Law, just as to show contempt for the son is to show contempt for the parents who bore him" (MW-5, 32). The "person" here, in the specific sense, refers to Nichiren Daishonin. In a broad sense, however, it indicates his followers, we Soka Gakkai members who promote kosen-rufu. To speak ill of those who propagate the Law even at the cost of their lives is to speak ill of the Mystic Law. To show contempt for the children of the Buddha is to show contempt for the Buddha himself. (9/30/91) When people worship the Gohonzon, all Buddhas and bodhisattvas in the entire universe immediately respond to their prayers by lending their protection. If people slander the Gohonzon, the response will be exactly the opposite. For this reason, one's mind of faith is extremely important. The mind of faith has a subtle and far-reaching influence. (2/27/90) Shijo Kingo suffered on account of calumny. But the Daishonin told him, "Never let life's hardships disturb you." Those who resort to libelous accusations are defeated as human beings; no action is more lowly and base. We should not be swayed in the least by such despicable actions. Just as we do not put garbage into our mouths, we must not permit such rubbish to enter our hearts. The Daishonin encouraged Shijo Kingo to shut the cowardly behavior of his accusers out of his mind. The Roman philosopher Seneca says that the arrows of slander cannot pierce the heart of a person of wisdom. (LG, p. 242) Those who abuse the SGI, who exploit the members for their own selfish reasons and aims, are committing the gravest slander of the Law. (6/25/96) There are cases when we wonder why merit doesn't reveal it-self in spite of our earnest and high degree of faith. At such times, rather than suspecting that you may entertain doubt about the Gohonzon, it is better to ask yourself whether you are guilty of any slander. Because a person who is contemptuous, hating, jealous or holds grudges will realize no benefits. (2/20/90) Buddhism reveals the ultimate Law of the universe and the ultimate principle for achieving happiness. Taking faith in Buddhism plants the seed of true happiness in our lives. Therefore, we must not uproot and throw away, scorch or otherwise spoil this seed of happiness as a result of harboring hatred and jealousy toward fellow believers and eventually discarding our faith. (2/14/90) DAISAKU IKEDA

What Is Buddhahood ?

What it certainly isn't is some transcendental state of life that is seperate from daily reality. Buddhahood means enlighment : enlighment to the true nature and potential of life. As such, it is a state of life which each individual inherently possesses. The awakening of this state in our lives brings with it such characteristics as strengthened life-force, courage, determination, compassion and wisdom. There are no commandments whatsoever in Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism, since an awakening to our higher state of life, or Buddhahood, enables us to make our own moral and ethical judgments. These are based, above all, on respect for the dignity of all life and a growing awarness of the reality of a strict and inescapable, universal law of cause and effect. Buddhism does not believe in the concept of heaven or an afterlife but rather speaks of the eternity of life. Our physical body must at some point decline and need to be replaced, but the essence of our life will continue, to be reborn in a new body at some time in the future. Buddhism states that life is to be enjoyed and, whilst it recognises the basic suffering of life, directs its followers to challenge them. Through this, we grow as human beings and become strong, improving both the quality and circumstances of our own lives and that of society, with all the potential at our disposal. The Buddhist practice activates the power within us to do this.


There may be times when you feel reluctant to do gongyo or take part in activities for kosen-rufu. That state of mind is reflected in the entire universe, as if on the surface of a clear mirror. The heavenly deities will then also feel reluctant to play their pan, and they will naturally fail to exert their full powers of protection. (2/27/90) No matter how healthy, intelligent or affluent we may be, if our minds are weak, then our happiness will also be frail and brittle. Our minds of faith, moreover, enable us to bring out the full positive potential in all things and situations, so it is crucial that we strive to forge our minds of faith. (2/2/93) Mahatma Gandhi (1869—1948) once said that people become the people they expect themselves to be. Your mind, your ichinen, determines your future, your life. (3/9/93) Faith is the secret to happiness for all people. When you truly forge your mind of faith, you will become an eternal victor throughout the three existences of past, present and future. Strong faith enables you to display appropriate wisdom, so that you can take advantage of change and move forward in the direction of hope and victory. (1/31/93) It may seem perfectly all right to put ourselves and our wish-es first, to simply follow the dictates of our emotions and cravings, but the truth is that there is nothing more unreliable than our own minds. Life doesn't always go like clockwork and things will not necessarily turn out as we had hoped or planned. Consequently, Nichiren Daishonin frequently stressed that you should become the master of your mind, not let your mind master you. We mustn't allow ourselves to be ruled by a self-centered mind. Rather, we have to discipline our mind and gain mastery over it. This is the Daishonin's strict admonition. (8/27/97) As long as our mind of faith is connected to the Gohonzon, our benefits will never disappear. That's why it is vital to per-severe in our Buddhist practice throughout our lives, no matter what, even if on some days our physical condition or other circumstances prevent us from doing gongyo and chanting daimoku to our full satisfaction. Those who continue to challenge themselves to the end savor ultimate victory.(1/31/93) The mind of faith is invisible. Those who advance together with this organization dedicated to kosen-rufu will evolve the correct mind of faith that matches the time. With this mind of faith, you can fill the canvas of your lives with portraits of happiness in which all your wishes are fulfilled.(1/31/93) DAISAKU IKEDA


Faith manifests itself in daily life. Daily life, in turn, is the stage upon which we show proof of faith. True human victory and happiness are attained through the earnest and steady day-to-day efforts we make. The pattern of our lives, like that of the sun, may seem monotonous and routine, but there is nothing more profound than our daily endeavors. Achieving brilliant victory in our daily lives is what being victorious in faith is all about. (9/26/93) One who takes good care of his or her job, daily life and family is a person of deep and genuine faith. Activities are intended to be carried out in the spare time that you have from work and family. (2/25/90) Please steadily advance along the fundamental path of "faith manifests itself in daily life;' living in the way that best suits you. Just as the sun rises every day, if you persistently advance based on the Mystic Law, the absolute Law of the universe, you can definitely lead a life in which all desires are fulfilled, a life of which you cannot now even conceive. Please be convinced that you are now leading the most certain and valuable life. (2/26/90) We have been born, and life is made for living. It is important that we strive to live on tenaciously to the very end, no matter what happens. Faith in the Mystic Law supplies us with the immense life force we need to live strongly and confidently each day so that we can overcome the various sufferings and hardships we encounter. (6/19/96) Faith and daily life, faith and work—these are not separate things. They are one and the same. To think of them as separate—that faith is faith and work is work—is theoretical faith. Based on the recognition that work and faith are one and the same, we should put 100 percent of our energy into our jobs and 100 percent into our faith, too. When we resolve to do this, we enter the path of victory in life. Faith means to show irrefutable proof of victory amid the realities of society and in our own daily lives. (10/6/95) When we plant the seed of happiness that is faith and carefully tend its growth, it will produce fruit without fail. We have to keep in mind, however, that we cannot plant a seed today and expect it to bear fruit tomorrow. That's not reasonable and Buddhism is reason. If we persevere in the practice of "faith equals daily life" in accord with reason, then our prayers will definitely be answered. This is Nichiren Daishonin's promise to us. And his words are true beyond any doubt. (6/9/96) DAISAKU IKEDA


Buddhism is an earnest struggle to win. This is what the Daishonin teaches. A Buddhist must not be defeated. I hope you will maintain an alert and winning spirit in your work and daily life, taking courageous action and showing triumphant actual proof time and again. (3/8/96) In this lifetime, to demonstrate the power of faith in the Mystic Law to others, some of you have been born into poverty so that you can show actual proof by gaining secure and comfortable lives. Some of you have been born with ill health so that you can show proof by growing strong and healthy. Irrespective of your situations, however, the light of faith in the depths of your beings will continue to shine eternally with diamond-like brilliance. (6/22/96) Since we have taken the lead in embracing this great religion to which so much of humankind still remains oblivious, it is important that we demonstrate the value of this Buddhism by showing actual proof in our daily lives. Seeing such proof is what enables people to realize the greatness of this Buddhism, that it is something unique that they have not en-countered up until now. (2/26/90) When we speak of showing actual proof, it doesn't mean we have to try to put on a show of being any more knowledge-able or accomplished than we are. It is my hope that, in the manner that best suits your situation, you will prove the validity of this Buddhism by steadily improving in your daily life, your family, place of work and community and by polishing your character. (2/26/90) Shijo Kingo, a person of strong faith, was at one point envied and slandered by others, earning the disfavor of his lord. But later he received a new estate from him. In modern terms, we might say that Shijo Kingo scored this victory by showing wonderful actual proof of faith at his place of work. The test of faith is winning in daily life and society, since that is where Buddhism finds _expression. (4/23/96) Science is based on tested proof or empirical evidence. You conduct a test or experiment and then observe the results. Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism, similarly, teaches that nothing beats actual proof. In this regard, it stands alone among world religions. I hope that each year you will strive to show clear proof of victory in Buddhism and your studies. Please always remember that showing such proof is the mark of a true successor. (4/2/98) Daisaku Ikeda


When something unexplainable happens in our life, which we cannot seem to figure out, we will usually say, "This is my karma." Therefore although karma can be positive or negative, many associate the word karma with something negative. Viewed from a negative, karma can leave a person with a sense of powerlessness whereby we accept our present sufferings as results of negative causes we have made in the past; with no hope of ever changing it. But this is a distortion of the original meaning of karma. Buddhism teaches that "if you want to know the causes that existed in the past, look at the results as they are manifested in the present. And if you want to understand what results will be manifested in the future, look at the causes that exist in the present." Therefore as indicated in the Gosho passage above, to accept the idea of karma does not mean to live under a clout of guilt and vague anxiety, not knowing what bad causes we may have made in the past. Rather, it means to be confident that our destiny is in our own hands and that we have the power to transform it for the better at any moment. We must realize that what we are experiencing in our lives at this moment is the result of causes we did in the past. It was not something handed down from above. Since karma is based on the principle of cause and effect, the causes we make now will decide the effects that will appear in the future, that gives our present lives and its accompanying sweet and bitter moments its true significance. Karma is a Sanskrit word meaning action. According to Buddhism, karma can be caused by our thoughts, words and action. Although words and action creating causes in our life is easy to understand (the scientific principle of "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction,") the notion that our thoughts too can create karma in our life is beyond science. Yet, since our thought is what gives rise to our words and action, its impact on the causes we are making becomes crucial. For this reason, we are constantly reminded about the importance of having a correct positive thought or determination (ichinen) in our practice as this will impact the results we are looking for. As all these causes create a latent effect in our life that will be manifested, through an external cause, as a manifested effect in the future, we cannot in a sense, escape the effects of our karma. It will be manifested, if not in this lifetime then in future lifetimes. But as Nichiren Daishonin said in the Gosho Lessening One's Karmic Retribution, "If one's heavy karma from the past is not expiated within this lifetime, one must undergo the sufferings of hell in the future, but if one experiences extreme hardship in this life (because of the Lotus Sutra), the sufferings of hell will vanish instantly." We must realize that our present sufferings are an opportunity for us to expiate our past karma in this lifetime and change it for the better. Therefore the key to changing our present sufferings into good fortune, now and in the future, depends on whether we have the courage to squarely face our karma with the determination that, no matter what, I will fulfill my vow, my mission as a practitioner of the Lotus Sutra. It is to link our karma to our mission. When we work for the sake of kosen-rufu, for other's happiness, we ourselves will be making the greatest causes that will secure our future now and into the eternal future. This is the purpose of our Buddhist practice.

How To Change and strengthen The Inner Core of your Life ?

First of all, before you begin to chant - RELAX :CLEAR YOUR HEAD. CLEAR YOUR HEART! But especially your head - your mind. Relax emotionally, mentally, physically. It is important to be very natural. Second, when you chant, you really need to use your eyes. FOCUS ON THE GOHONZON. Then listen to your voice. Focus on the center part of the Gohonzon "myoho" - mystical. You have to use your eyes. This is extremely important. When you really use your eyes, your mind stops. Clear your mind by strongly focusing your eyes. Let your thoughts rest by using your eyes. When you're busy thinking all the time, your brain is sucking energy. This means your brain is getting stronger - (which isn't healthy), but your core isn't changing because the energy isn't being directed there. What you really have to do is look at the Gohonzon with power and let your mind relax. The Gohonzon in your life already knows your worries and desires. Keep everything in your heart - JUST CHANT WITH YOUR EYES LOCKED ON THE GOHONZON. Then when Nam Myoho Renge Kyo comes into tune with the core of your life, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo will melt away and dissolve karma. It will change into strength so you can become strong and clear minded enough to accomplish your desires. In this way, you should come to enjoy the act of chanting because you're feeling the core of your life. You're fusing with the highest potential in your life, represented by the Gohonzon. WHEN YOU'RE THINKING STRATEGIES, YOU'RE NOT CHANGING YOUR KARMA. Q : When I chant I often imagine what I want. I picture it in my mind. I see it happening in my mind. Is that okay ? A : Positive imaginations are a good thing, but not strategies. If you get to imagining how to make it happen, instead of the images of it, then you are strategizing. Prayer should come from your heart!The Gohonzon knows your worries and desires. Keep them in your heart, focus on the Gohonzon and SIMPLY CHANT. If you can do simple good daimoku and gongyo, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo goes stronger, deeper, to expand you, dissolve difficult karma and generate positive results. Daimoku should come from your core. If it comes from the brain, the brain becomes stronger and so does the confusion. When you close your eyes or avert them from the Gohonzon, the power to fuse the core of your life with the Gohonzon weakens and the mind plays around. Chant clearly, confidently, comfortably. We need to keep checking ourselves. It's easy to get carried away by force of old habits and chant while uptight or emotionally. DON'T READ WHILE YOU CHANT ! DON'T DO ANYTHING WHILE YOU CHANT! JUST CHANT. When you read, read. When you chant, chant. After good daimoku, you may read, or your schedule may require you to get right to work or do things you need to do. You may have a busy life, but don't have busy daimoku. Don't be busy while you chant - FOCUS ! Through focused daimoku, you can melt away negative karma. Karma is going to be dissolved. Chanting is a time to cultivate your life, not think about your strategies. Daimoku is the time to enrich your Buddha nature, not the time to have a planning meeting for your life or day. In my head : Positive imaginations In my heart : Deep prayer In my mouth : Clear chanting Thank you for reading.

On Daimoku

f you underestimate the power of daimoku, And use other strategies, you will lose in the end; You can accumulate good fortune only when you fight for kosen rufu, Without begrudging your life; Unless yours prayers are united, The fight for kosen rufu cannot gain momentum; No matter what anybody says, or does, Nothing can defeat the power of daimoku; But without action, you cannot call it faith; The Gohonzon can penetrate through everything; The world of faith is very mystic, and once you become serious, You can gain one thousand times or ten thousand times more benefits; When you chant abundant daimoku You have the power to open the heaviest iron door that stands in your way, You can overcome the most massive obstacles in your life, You can definitely change your negative karma; The world of faith is the place where many of us, Chant powerful daimoku in unity, Thus creating the power like the huge force of the wind. There is nothing but daimoku; Daimoku determines everything, Daimoku has more power than one million guidance, Or one million books on philosophy. Chant abundant daimoku and pray to the gohonzon; Ask the Gohonzon for whatever you need; Everything will come true as you wished, And the path of kosen rufu will open up in front of you. Everything depends on how much daimoku you chant; When you chant a lot of daimoku, You will naturally feel that you need to study more; When you chant abundant daimoku, Your work will become fulfilling. There may be many times when you experiences great suffering and deep sorrow, There may be many nights when tears will not stop flowing, At such times, my heart will be open to you, I am always here to listen to you; I, too will share your tears with you, You don't need to tell me anything, If you are happy, I can tell just by looking at your face, Just tell me about the problems and pain that you have, I will always carry half of your heavy burden, And walk together with you. Daisaku Ikeda

Building Blocks of Happiness

We all have roles to play in our lives – whether parents or partners, workers or students. Faith in Nichiren Daishonin’s teachings enables us to fulfill those roles and realize the human potential unique to each of us. The more we strive to apply the Buddhist practice, we uncover its validity and thus further deepen our faith. Nichiren Buddhism is rooted in reality and stresses the inseparability of faith and daily life. We are not Buddhist only when praying or attending meetings. As we utilize the inner strength, wisdom and compassion from our practice at home or work, we can truly experience the value of Buddhism. Therefore, if we neglect the responsibilities and challenges we find in our families, communities or society, we cannot be said to have a proper understanding of faith. Faith permeates daily activities, and our homes and offices are the very places to show the Daishonin’s teaching of humanism and compassion. We all have many challenges in life. Sometimes we use our faith as an excuse for inaction or as an escape from harsh realities. If we take the easy-going attitude, "The Gohonzon will take care of all my problems for me," we are being irresponsible and disguising it as faith. Or, if we use our practice as a license to cause suffering – whether to Buddhist or non-Buddhists, thinking, "I can do whatever I please because I chant," then such an attitude must be considered arrogant. As we pray to the Gohonzon we should take concrete action, challenging ourselves each step of the way. As we know more about the Daishonin's teachings, we should practice what we learn. Action without prayer is like a spinning wheel, but prayer without action is merely wishful thinking. When we pray to the Gohonzon "as earnestly as though to produce fire from damp wood, or to obtain water from parched ground," (WND, pg 444), we can definitely make possible what previously seemed impossible. Buddhism flourishes only when it takes deep root in the midst of reality. (From the March 200 issue of Living Buddhism, the SGI-USA's monthly publication)


转眼间 已经在 创价幼儿园 五个月了。 时间过的 非常快。 在创幼的每一天 充满欢喜 充满挑战 与同志们 一起为了 孩子的 幸福, 成长, 彻底奋斗。 往后, 心已决 与师匠 其共战 至永远。

Saturday...meeting all the way...

Today... 3rd of September 2005... I've had the most fun having meeting from 9am until 10.30pm. This morning at 9.30am, I had Akademeia Training prep on Gosho section together with Yeng Cheng, Lai Yee and Lai Yee until 1pm. Then, we head for lunch at 1 pm at BK cafeteria. At 2pm, we had Akademeia Training Meeting together with other committee to update on the Akademeia Training Camp next week. We ended the meeting at 5pm. I rushed to Sg. Long to get my passport size photo and went back to Kajang for a bath. At 6.30pm, i reached BK again to prep with Chee Ran for the training meet in Seremban, I'm going to share my experience. So, we prep until 7.30pm. We had a small talk until 8pm. They head for State Representative Meet, I head for Music Festival Meet at State's Room. At last, I came back to TSS at about 10.30pm. This doesn't stop here, I have another meeting together with the Music Festival Event PIC from Recorder Band, Galaxy Chamber Orchestra, Martial Art, Brass Band, Kotekitai at 9am until 11am or 12pm. Then, I'm back to TSS to prepare to change a big room - activity room into a learning centre (A jungle) for the TSS Open Day on the 11th of September 2005. ....... I'm gratefull for all these. These are all the opportunity, Free opportunity from Gakkai, For me to grow up, For me to learn new things, For me to exceed my limits... I'm happy!!!!