
乘着晚上十时的巴士 沿着吉打州的路程 心情非常紧张 迫不及待的要 去见 我的人生同志。 倒数 五小时, 四小时, 三小时, 二小时, 一小时。。。 到了! 终于在四时凌晨 到了Alor Star. 当巴士一进入车站 在巴士里头的我 就见到了 穿着橙色T-Shirt, 褐色裤子, 脸带灿烂笑容。。。 她就是 我的人生同志! 太高兴了! 太兴奋了! 太不可思议了! 这次的旅程, 让我学习了 非常多的东西。 也认识了 吉打州 可爱, 活泼, 杰出, 单纯, 的青年部! 他们都很积极的 为了24K运动 奋斗! 前进! 给了我 很大的鼓励, 很大的欢喜,喜悦! 很有福运的 去到 槟城第一间会馆。 先生送给马来西亚 的会馆。 感觉非常的兴奋! 终于都能够参观 这会馆。 在会馆 于我的人生同志 一起做了 晚上勤行与 唱出了 誓愿与师共战的题目, 与人生同志奋斗的题目, 并立下决意 非在自己所要 做的任何事情 都要全胜不可! 上了星期五 夜晚十一时的巴士, 离开美丽的吉打, 离开我的人生同志, 回到我的使命地方, 再次的冲刺起来! 再次的奋战起来! 再次的全胜起来! 把电冲的满满的! 在加影, 努力于 学业, 广布。 艳芬, 我的人生同志, 愿意和我一起 奋战吗? 愿意于我一起 全胜吗? 期待您的加入!

Something from Kok Keong (Soka Uni Japan)

Dear K paradise's Editor, I had read the k paradise (Sept & Oct issue). its really encouraged me a lot. I also can feel that the effort that u had put in publishing this newsletter... the pressure on lack of articles, successors, duedate, ....etc. But i also sensed the boundless benefits are chasing u now. How happy am i to know that u trained urself thoroughly through writting articles and publish this important newsletter to encourage those who are facing problem now. And how joyful sensei will be if he know his dearest disciple striving so hard. Thank you so much for giving us the hope and courage through k paradise and ur action. Thanks to carryn for her sharing. Learned a lot from u. ( Is carryn from usm?) Praying that ur experince will burn up everyone's passion towards kosen-rufu. And who is the author for the english book sharing? Thanks for sharing sensei's burning determination to visit Brazil. It gave me courage to face my problems now. Miss Anna, i will strive with u too as what u mention in the poem. And thanks for the simple yet interesting diary. Chinese editor....thanks for ur effort too. I am sure that all the effort or sacrifice that u gave for kosen rufu wouldnot be wasted. Mika, great sharing! i was so touch reading ur article. Lets challenge togeher for the greater goal such as 24K! Boy ( can i know who are you?) i am waiting ur book sharing for the next issue. Its a great article. Wish to learn more from Mr. Teng. Finally, looking forward to learn how to sing the song 'friend' and the next issue of K paradise. I also wish to read more about other comrades sharing..... see you u guys again.... KIBU THURSDAY, October 28th, 2004 -- TO MY FRIENDS --"I am determined to help all my fellow members become happy, no matterwhat!"This sense of responsibility is what will determine everything.Please be courageous in your leadership!With the utmost courtesy and concern for even the smallest of matters,let's give the type of encouragement that will inspire everyone to have hope!


词:Carryn 曲:一旧云 十月十九日,二零零四年,一点半午时 C Am 不管伤心与否 F G 你都在我身旁 C Am 实行知已 F G 朋友的任务 Em Am 不管成功失败 F G 都想诚心告诉你 C F G C 因为你是我的朋友。。。 __ Am F 朋友一句简单的词语 C G 需要精神时间维持它 Am F 只要有你在身旁 C G 我会变的更勇敢 F C 未来挑战 G C 有你陪我 F C G 那怕荆棘失败 F C G 那怕忧伤与悲哀 F G C 你我一起渡过。。。 C Am Let us move, let us move F G Don’t be afraid C Am I will always be with you F G Just tell yourself, F G You can do anything, F G C Anything just you and me.


好烦啊! 好多还没读啊! 怎办? 唯有以题目。 唱题产生 无限希望, 无限勇气, 无限智慧, 无限喜悦, 伴着我们 渡过这个难关。 咬紧牙根, 走下去吧! 坚持到底! 青年应不怕吃苦! 青年应勇于面对! 勇敢的前进吧! 胜利就在前方, 向我们 挥着手! 一旧云 十月十四日 二零零四年 下午三点四十五分。


什么是欢喜中的大欢喜? 为什么唱题 能达到其境界? 我很想尝试一下 欢喜中的大欢喜。 南无妙法莲花经 是宇宙之法则。 而我们身为人 则是一个小小的宇宙。 当唱出宇宙之法则, 会越唱越开心, 越唱越涌现出 无限的希望,欢喜。 莫非, 这就是所谓的 ”欢喜中的大欢喜”? 人生充满许多暴风雨, 难免会有失落的时候。 但,每当跪在御本尊面前, 在唱出确信的题目, 一念想着 “我一定可以跨越这一切!” “唯有唱题,诚心向御本尊祈求, 我必定能胜利起来!” 相信没有什么障碍是不能不跨越的! 当然, 单唱题是不够的! 还得配合 行动! 奋斗! 努力! 才能胜利起来! 那, 如果说唱题必定能 转换一切的宿命, 为什么还需要行动呢? 唱题吧了, 不久行了吗? 打个比喻。 一煲干净的米 如果把它放进饭煲 然后没把电开上, 试问,那煲米会熟吗? 米就好像我们的烦恼, 而电就是唱题。 在米变成饭的过程, 是要经过一系列的 高温,滚热的水, 烫了又烫, 才能把那 硬绷绷的米, 变成美味可口的饭。 这个过程, 就好比我们的 行动了! 那, 让我们继续的唱出 喜悦的题目, 感受御本尊的伟大与慈悲, 来跨越人生种种的烦恼吧! 加油!


We don't always meet up We don't always talk Sometime we argue, Sometime we share dream, The feeling is nice, The feeling is precious, Someone is out there, Someone watching you, Hold you in the thought, Hold you in their heart, Later i found out, The thing got a name, "frenship" is the name, Drive me through my life. Carryn


This is a poem that i've written In the K-Newsletter June 2004 Issue After reading The New Human Revolution "Glorious Future" Ikeda Sensei: "Friends are a treasure. We can encourage each other, Study together and also Help each other to grow and develop. Living in a dormitory Can be a lesson in life And of to forge ties of friendship And build lasting Human relationships." ~*aNnA*~: Triumphing over difficulties Let us advance One step at a time Forging indomitable friendships Surging ahead to a glorious year Victory is awaiting us At the dawn of the Century!

wHaT iS mY mIsSiOn?

What is my mission? Why am I born into this world? Why am I here in UKM? Why am I here in 2040? What is my purpose of LiFe? Everyone born into this world, With their own profound mission, Carrying their own karma, Transforming their karma into mission... Ikeda Sensei says: Please transform fate into something that has value in it! Please transform karma Into MISSION! (将命运转为有价值的东西吧! 将宿命变为使命吧!〕 How to transform karma Into Mission? This, i have yet to know how. Until then, I realized my mission As A Student, A Leader, A Violinist in 2040... Also Comrade of my friends Here in Kajang, Penang, Japan, Korea, England... Will continue to fight, Along side my comrades, No matter what happens, Until the last breath, Of my life, Here in Malaysia!


# In the world of Mystic Law No one is without a mIsSiOn. Give capable persons The apropriate ResPonSibiLiTy, So as to enable them To give their BeSt. Never forget that We can see good in others When we give them a cHaNcE To show their aBiLiTy.# Daisaku Ikeda


抱着感恩之心, 感激前辈们在 广布大道的努力。 实在万分感激! 没有他们胜利的奋斗, 就没有今日的 马来西亚创价学会, 就没有今日的会馆, 及没有今天的我们! 非常期待2040的来临。 非常高兴能在文化节里 献下吾小小的 一份力量, 一份热情, 一份努力, 一份喜悦。 并立下决意, 非要让所有 十一场文化节的观众, 感动不可! 让每一颗音符, 每一个舞蹈姿态, 每一句说出的话, 每一个映出的画面, 深深的烙印在 每一个人的心中, 永不忘记的! 路途虽多艰难, 坎坷, 都能一一的跨越, 比起草创期前辈们 的奋战, 这一点点的挑战, 算是什么。。。 非要胜利不可! 迈向二十四千 青年的目标, 必定能全胜! 让咱们一起 奋起来吧! 让咱们一起 感受御本尊的伟大吧! 让咱们一起 喜悦的折伏吧! 让咱们一起 绝对的胜利吧! ~*一旧云共勉之*~ 于十月八日 二零零四年 凌晨五时

Profound meaning

In one of the sensei’s poem, he wrote that I will strive without rest; other can do or say what they like I will never stop moving forward; those who wish to do stop and rest can do so. I will continue to advance to the very end! Those who want to complain can please themselves. I will walk the path I have chosen. What was the path sensei chose which can make him strive without fear and never stop moving forward? What kind of determination he made? Why after so many years, sensei still striving without feeling tired and never think of giving up? What made an ordinary person like sensei put such an effort to strive for other? What he tried to proof? Does sensei feel lonely? What will he get after all? And lastly, how long do sensei still can be with us? Asking back ourselves: Do we ever really understand sensei? What have we done in our life which can consider really great? Why we keep complaining and easily give up? Why it is so hard to stand alone? Why we so fear to do something which is right? Why we never have such a great determination? Why we keep feeling lonely and feeling empty? And lastly. What differentiate a great person and an ordinary person, what is sensei’s hope toward our youth? Mr. Toda once said “we can make the failure cause of success; we can also make the success cause for our failure”. Sometime, asking ourselves lot of question will make us realize lot of profound answer for life.

Exam fever:

First week: one paper, so I decided to study the subject starts Friday. Second week: six papers, so I used my study week to study them. But what turned out to be is, I cannot concentrate, my mind is flying around, suppose to study, but I just can’t focus. I am using one week to make a note for one of my subjects, and now, I am still doing it, take me so long to organize the note and I found out that I am running out of time!! I still have lot of subject haven’t studied, past year paper never go through yet, people at school like watching me, figuring what will I get for this semester exam.( not because they think I am clever, but it’s because I played truant too much in one semester ) They driving me nut. What on earth they want to compare of, I just can’t understand. Yet, why certain people can be so selfish, so kedekut ilmu? Eh, why I borrow lecture answer from them and they dunwan to borrow me? I know I am too bad and too lazy to do the answer for myself, but, since u have done it, why not share share right? But I got nothing to share with them, that why I got nothing in return I guess, padan muka. But “life is about sharing”, anyway, up to them. What language should I use in my exam paper? Eh, all my note in English, but yet the paper and question is all in bahasa Malaysia, although sometime I think of writing English for them, but later will turn out became “rojak” language and started with BM, u see, thing is going crazy, the system, the format, the schedule, the peope… I guess these are what people call, exam fever…


行动! 真心! 成长! 看见身边同志, 一一的奋起, 我也奋起来! 看见身边的同志, 为家庭宿命, 拼命折伏,广布, 非将自身家庭宿命 转换不可! 并为人类幸福而奋起! 太伟大了! 太尊贵了! 太感动了! 以此, 我也非奋起不可!

Same mistake right or wrong

I am almost running out of my prinsip toward certain thing. My concept for certain thing seems to be changed day by day. Am I doing the same mistake? What if the mindset really changed? What if the thing not turns out to be what I hope it to be? Eh…getting confuse, I just can say... let time show me the way, let my mood and feeling flying with my soul... Hopefully everything will turn out to be fine. Again, I hope.

法华经的欢喜 (修改篇〕

“人生的价值和意仪是什么? 人生的源头在哪里? 人生的归宿又在何方? 人在茫茫的宇宙间处於什么地位? 这类永无终极的问题始终围绕在一代又一代人的脑海中, 每一个人都企望着找到最后的答案。”池田大作。 人生。。。 说长, 它一点也不长。 说短, 它却一点儿也不短。 唯有创造出最有价值的人生, 才是最尊贵的人生。 啊! 生命切实尊贵, 它包含了许多 人生点点滴滴, 美好回忆, 自身所创造的 光辉历史。。。 生也是佛, 死也是佛。 唯有坚持其妙法, 直到临终, 才是最后的胜利者。 易受难持, 而成佛在於持。 自问, 咱们能不能坚持其妙法, 直到临终? 能否坚持其信念到底? 能否创造价值到底? 能否奋斗到底? 。。。 ~*一旧云共勉之。*~ 写于 十月五日二零零四年,凌晨四点五十五分。


“人生的价值和意仪是什么? 人生的源头在哪里? 人生的归宿又在何方? 人在茫茫的宇宙处於什么地位? 这类永无终极的问题始终围绕在一代又一代的脑中, 每一个人都企望着找到最后的答案。” 人生。。。 说长, 可它一点也不长。 说短, 它却不短。 唯有创造出最有价值的人生, 才是最尊贵的人生。 啊! 身命太珍贵了, 包含了许多的 点点滴滴, 美好回忆, 所创造出的价值, 自身光辉的历史, 。。。 就算到了临终, 也要坚持这妙法, 生也是佛, 死也是佛, 唯有坚持到最后一刻, 必定能成佛。

no title

There may be time when other seem enviable. But other are other and you are you. Rather than comparing your every joy and sorrow to that of others, you should aim to surpass your limits in the situation you currently find yourself in. Those who can accomplish this throughout life are the true victor, the true geniuses. ~ Daisaku Ikeda~ Today is somebody's birthday... i tried to find some sensei's guidance to read, but , i can't find a suitable one for my current mood. some said me tried to run away from problem, for me, i am not, I just try to be myself and let thing happen. Don't expect other to understand.sometime, sad pple do and write lot of weird thing, so, just ignore me. But something for sure, sensei's guidance somehow gave a lot of impact over me ,so that i can bravely overcome all my difficulties. The greater hardship one undergoes, the greater potential that exists for one to grow. The deeper one's suffering, the more profound will be the joy one experiences when one triumphs over it. I believe, we all can make it, make our own history, live a happy life, one day, we will proof to the world, "impossible" is not exist in our dictionary.