
Life... What is it all about? What do we live for? At one time while chanting, I saw my housemates Going about their own chores. Suddenly, I felt something weird... I saw something in them. I feel like everyone Is doing the samething... Wake up, Bathe, Eat, Work, Talk, Sleep. Then, i came to a conclusion. CREATING VALUES In our daily lives... Everytime, Everyday, Everywhere... That is what differentiates a person With mission and A person who has none. I'm searching for my mission in my future 5 years... I'm currently fulfilling my mission here in Kajang... Excited as always to realize My mission in future...
Broga Posted by Hello


Thank you all for your wishes. I appreciate very much.
December is my favorite month of the year.
Not because it's my birthday month,
December 2004 is my first anniversary.
First anniversary of my daimoku campaign,
First anniversary of my battle in Human revolution
First anniversary of Mei Choo been given a new life in a new body
First anniversary of my battle in my studies...
A lot more...
It's a month of celebration for an end to a year and a beginning to another year.
Started to plan for what i want to do in 2005.
At the mean time,
I'm striving hard in my thesis.
Will share with you all later bout my thesis's fortune,
A big fortune from Mr. Gohonzon.
Will continue to fight with my mentor and my dearest comrade in the whole world.
Thank you all.


Thank you all. December is my favorite month of the year. Not because of my birthday being in this month, but rather a month of my first anniversaries of a whole lot of things. First anniversary of my daimoku campaign, First anniversary of my battle in Human Revolution, First anniversary of my struggle in my studies, First anniversary of Mei Choo being in a new body, a new life, Four month anniversary of knowing Carryn, Four month anniversary of being a member in Galaxy Chamber Ochestra SGM.... December - a month of celebration Celebration of an end to a year and the beginning of a new ones. Looking forward for the year 2005. 'The Year of Youth and Development' Thank you to all the readers, We appreciate your sharing and your comments... The blog won't die, because the principle - Carryn is here to save the Blog! heheheh... Yeah!
Sensei playing piano Posted by Hello

No photo ??

Recently my friends keep telling me that sokalink have too much word than photo. They asked me to try make it more interesting by putting up more photo or anythings beside words. It make me to wonder, what is the purpose of the blog, the blog suppose to make me and Anna write something related to faith and also our feeling toward gakkai. We both not a type of person who easily tell people about our problem, but we do feel free to write down all sort of feeling here. The blog keep our friendship on and make our journey more memorable. Sometime i wonder is that really anyone who really read our blog, ofcoz not to mention my friends who study at oversea. What i mean here is that anyone out there really share our fight and really understand the message we tried to bring out.But, as i always say, WHATEVER, the blog will remain till our frienship end. When i free, i will make the blog a brand new home, a brand new start for a brand news year, am sure Anna will soon post lot of article related to the year of 2005. I know Anna will always there to be my reader and listener.
Bomoh...( SD's day )

Happy birthday

happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to Anna happy birthday to you. A year older , nothing to celebrate, but I just want all the people who visited the blog to know that today is your big day, 0000 sharp I phoned you, want to sing you a birthday song, manatau you tidur already. This is what we called, "bo ean". Who said birthday just like a normal day? Not to me, your birthday seem to be one of the important date to me, very simple , I appreciate you and you are my "kaimui", remember? Your 2004 's birthday marked a four months friendship of us, many thing happen , and I am glad that you are being there for me and keep encourage me. Cheer gal, you are not alone, as I will always remember the day and I will always be there for you when u needed me. Happy birthday my comrade.


I have a lot of questions in my head since the training camp had started. Then, the campus talk and 12.12 experience meet add more questions into my head... Finally, i went to see a senior in faith. Had my questions answered or rather made me understand more what i should do. Every one has their own ways of getting things done. They have their own thinking, opinions and etc...etc...etc... How to know what are they thinking? How to know what are the doing? DIALOGUE is the answer. So, have as much dialogue with as many people as possible. To know why do they do all the actions. What makes them doing it? What is the reason behind everything? This is how humans should communicate with each other. By understanding the reasons why are they doing their actions, we can create peace. Well, any comments? All are welcome.

K.L scenary Posted by Hello
blue sky Posted by Hello

Book Sharing

This month I would like to share a book entitled “Why Is Faith Necessary” that contains a series of articles written by Hajime Kawai, vice chief of the Soka Gakkai Study Department. ‘You are as good as you think’ page 22 caught my eye and as I ponder through I asked myself ‘Am I really that good?’ Dr. Hideki Yukawa, a noted Japanese physicist, said: “Life appeared in the universe and evolved into higher forms such as human beings, who are able to accomplish so much. This demonstrates the magnificent creative force that exists in the universe and manifests itself in many diverse ways. The life force of the human being is one of the myriad ways in which this great creative force reveals itself. In fact, human creativity can be viewed as the highest expression of this universal force.” The foundation or essence of the universal life force that Dr. Yukawa speaks of is known in Buddhism as the Mystic Law, or Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. Unlike other religions that require belief in a supreme or all-powerful being on whom one must rely for salvation, Buddhism clarifies the fundamental law that permeates all life, and teaches us how to tap the limitless power of this law from within. This law is Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. Nichiren Daishonin states: “Even a tarnished mirror will shine like a jewel if it is polished. A mind which presently is clouded by illusions originating from the innate darkness of life is like a tarnished mirror, but once it is polished it will become clear, reflecting the enlightenment of immutable truth. Arouse deep faith and polish your mirror night and day. How should you polish it? Only by chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo” (MV-1, 5). When we chant daimoku to the Gohonzon, we are expressing our belief in the magnificence of our own lives, and polishing ourselves internally in order to tap the tremendous power that resides within. Nothing is wondrous as human life. But this is often hard for us to believe. How often have we told ourselves “I can’t do this” or “I’m not good at that.” We may also hear from others about our shortcomings in certain areas. However, it is we ourselves who decide to accept the appraisals of others and look down on ourselves. Ultimately we must be the ones who judge ourselves. Ignorance of our own great potential and lack of confidence in ourselves stems from the “fundamental darkness” that exists deep within us. This darkness or illusion leads us to waste our potential, while it is faith in the Gohonzon that enables us to fully appreciate it and put it to use. Faith in the Gohonzon functions like an “engine” to propel us toward the great hopes and goals we have set for ourselves. In his poem “To My Young American Friends,” SGI President Ikeda states: Faith is — To fear nothing, To stand unswayed, The power to surmount Whatever the obstacle. Faith is the source of all solutions, An engine to sail through, On a thrilling voyage of life, A life victory over all. The correct attitude or spirit of faith is to challenge whatever problems or obstacles now face us with great hope and a dream for the future. Rather than asking: “What’s going to happen?” it is important to ask “What can I do now?” Therefore, we should not practice faith passively, without a goal or dream for the future, nor should we have the casual attitude that things will naturally work out well simply because we chant daimoku. Instead, we should cherish great hopes and dreams for the future and challenge ourselves to achieve them with the “engine” of faith. To me, I realized that Gohonzon has always cared for us and also loved us. Sometimes when I am chanting, a sense of great joy kept generating from within my heart. Hopes and courage kept coming… To my comrades, even if things seemed bleak, “I don’t know what I’m doing now”, “I go out for activities without knowing why I want to do so”, “They ask me to do (activities), so I did as they wished for” or … Please summon up all the courage you have to chant in front of Gohonzon. Daimoku is the basis of everything. Praying to Gohonzon earnestly, with the confidence in you yourselves and in Gohonzon, also taking lead in the 24K campaign, nothing is impossible. When we have the thought “I can’t do this”, we are actually underestimating our limits and also the power of Gohonzon. Come, my comrades, please do not give up! Let’s challenge all the impossible together. Let’s encourage each other when we are down. Let us move together as one in the 24K campaign and achieve total victory! ~*aNnA*~

Daily Guidance

SGI President Ikeda's Daily Guidance for December 6Vol. 1 Vol. 3S Whether we regard difficulties in life as misfortunes or whether we view them as good fortune depends entirely on how much we have forged our inner determination. It all depends on our attitude or inner state of life. Vol. 4 Morning gongyo is important. It is an occasion to wake up your life; it is the source of power that causes the sun of Buddhahood to rise within your heart. As long as you start each day from this seat of enlightenment, you will surely experience a fresh, vibrant day and take a solid step forward with your own growth and fulfillment.